5 Ways to Get More Clients

5 Ways to Get More Clients | Growing Your Training & Coaching Business

5 Ways to Get More Clients

– Simple, Fast and Effective Strategies –

You want more clients. You need more clients. You want to help more people.

These are the most common thoughts of trainers and coaches.

But, if you don’t know how to get new clients, it can be frustrating.

Read on, because you are going to learn some simple (often free) and fun ways to get more clients.

Here are 5 Ways You Can Start Getting New Clients Today:

1. Call (yes, call on the phone) each of your current clients and ask them for referrals. 

Let them know you have a few spaces/seats available for your services.  Let your client know that you want more people like them.  People who are similar tend to stick together.  A really kind and fun person doesn’t want to spend time with people who are complainers and troubled. So, starting with your current clients as a means to get more new clients is a wise choice.  Also, your current clients will have more in-depth conversations about you and your services. They are more likely to convert their friend or family member into a new client for you.

2. Make more educational and entertaining YouTube videos.  

Don’t just sell on your videos.  Add value. Teach something new. Get to the point quickly. Smile a lot. Be funny and deprecating. Experiment with short and longer videos to see what your audience likes best. Sometimes just 2 minutes is best.  Make at least 1 video each week.

3. Send weekly emails to your customer and prospect list(s). 

Here’s a link to the service we use. Don’t just send an email that says “BUY MY STUFF.”  You need to add value and educate. Can you discuss a hot topic? What about linking to your YouTube video that teaches something in detail? You can share a recipe. You can show a technique. You can break down a controversial topic using your education.  You can start with just 1 email per week, and based on feedback, you can increase it to 3 emails per week.  In the P.S. of your message, you can offer a service or provide a link.

4. Do a weekly Facebook Live video.  

Follow the same principles of the YouTube video. Just do one thing differently.  Get to the action and create more movement/interest immediately. Some people have success with shorter videos, and others do better with longer formats.  Experiment.

5. If you have a local business (not online), you need to get out in your community and shake hands. 

Online promotion is critical, and you will also make an even better impression when you meet people in person. Search your local community website for local live events and mixers. Go to the Chamber of Commerce and ask how you can stay informed about all the community events. Participate in local charity walk-a-thons, 5ks, festivals, and similar events. You don’t always have to be a sponsor or buy a booth (if that’s an option).  You just need to be seen and meet great people who can refer and also become clients. 

Just do these 5 things beginning right now and you will grow your client base. 

Be confident and make progress every day.

We are always here to help and support you.

Thank you!

The NESTA/Spencer Institute/MMACA/ITCA Team

PS: Be sure to check out all the business and career resources we have for you