How to Find Your First MMA Conditioning Clients

So, you have now graduated as a Certified MMA Conditioning Coach, and you are probably all stressed out wondering, how do I get my first clients? Finding your first clients can be a little scary at first. What if you don’t find enough clients?

Let’s take a look at the strategies that will help you find your first MMA clients.

Before starting, there are four things you need to have ready before beginning to sell:

  • A message that sets you apart: You need to know how to introduce yourself, knowing how to tell the world about the worth of what you do, that you are different to the rest of the personal development professionals, and why they should choose you.
  • An attractive service to sell: With the needs of your clients and fighters well-identified, you must design a service that helps them and makes their lives better.
  • Making the sale: It is essential to know how and what to sell, and how to offer your services to potential clients, so they want to work with you and not someone else.
  • Trusting yourself and your ability to help your clients and fighters: you are starting, you have no experience, and that makes you feel insecure and afraid of charging for your services. If this is your case, here is a plan for you: start by finding five clients or rookie fighters that don’t have to pay you, but that can help you find your first references, so you can begin gaining confidence in yourself and your ability to help others. It is only fair if you want to feel calm and secure. If you have the luck of doing supervised practices in your formation, then you don’t need to do this.

Here are some strategies that we are sure will help you since the beginning if you don’t have customers.

Tell Your Friends and Family About Your New Venture

You have to break your barriers and start telling the world what it is that you do now: organize meetings with your friends, even with those you have lost contact with, post on your social media, etc. The point is to get all the people from your personal and professional surrounding to know about your new certification and your business plans because they’ll be able to recommend you even if they are not potential clients because they know you on a personal and professional level.

Start Networking with Other MMA Trainers and Fighters

If you get in touch with them and they know your personal and professional value, they will probably end up sending you the clients they cannot take. Take this seriously, because it may become a constant flow of clients based on trust, which will make you get out there and be known quickly.

Offer Free Sessions

An evaluation session is not a session where you will solve all the problems of a person. That’s impossible to do in just one session. So, something that we recommend is to offer the first session for free, and this will work both for you and your potential client to enable a long-term relationship.

The goal of this “valuation session” is nothing else than to have a meeting where you can listen to your client, analyze their case, and then indicate them if you can help them and how you will do it.

This is a moment to see if you make a connection with the client and if it’s worth it to work together.

Therefore, we encourage you to make this free invitation to any potential client or fighter you may know so that they can recognize you and your work.

Offer Workshops on Your Specialty

LEading and organizing MMA and Muay Thai Training Workshops can help you get visibility and have an “expert” mark. You can do them in person anywhere, as long as you make them where your potential clients are or can assist, or you can also make them online through webinars.

And, don’t forget this workshop has a goal, and it is to find your first clients, so, for this reason, the price should be something symbolic, because it is an investment for you, to make yourself visible, now, you have to remember to offer your training services, and explain the value of what you do. And, if this blocks you a bit, you can invite them to a personal valuation session to understand their cases and offer your services.

Create Shareable Content

This strategy consists in creating content that is relevant to your target clients and related to MMA, Muay Thai, training and conditioning, and start sharing it in your blog, website, Facebook group, and any other social media, both organically and with paid ads, so you can reach more people and in turn acquire more clients.

You need to prepare a guide, video-class, live session, webinars, MMA challenges, or the content you want about tools and exercises to help your clients solve their problems and move it to reach a more significant number of people. To do so, you can invest in advertising, share it on your Facebook groups, ask your friends to share it, etc.… That way, and you’ll start gaining visibility and make people from other circles know you, calling their attention and making them potential clients.

If you are truly a rookie and have no experience at all outside of your MMA coaching certification and personal time spent training, you can find your first clients for free within your friends, felloe fighters, volunteers you may ask for on your social media, and contests.

As you see, there are plenty of formulas to your reach to get your first clients. Now you are prepared to think in one more step, filling up your session schedule.

Getting Started

Check out what it takes to start a career in MMA conditioning. This is your most affordable and fastest way to become a highly qualified personal trainer.

There is always something exciting about earning a new training or coaching certification and applying that new knowledge of how you train your clients. This also helps you hit the reset button.

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association and NESTA programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

Take action!

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association | NESTA

PS: Click here to see many helpful business/career resources

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