Why “Letting Go” Is Beneficial For Your Business and Your Life

Why “Letting Go” Is Beneficial For Your Business and Your Life


COVID Has Changed Our Lifestyles

We all know that COVID-19 has changed everyone’s lives drastically.  In big and small ways, the global pandemic has impacted every individual.  From working from home, changing work hours, and home-schooling to sales numbers dropping, COVID has altered the day to day lives of people of all backgrounds.

But COVID has also brought on interesting behavioral changes. Notably, people have started to “let go” of things.  Being home-bound has forced people to realize what is important to them and what they can afford to give up or care less about. There is a new flexibility and relaxed attitude around work, as everyone is equally impacted by remote working.  Everyone is adapting and trying new ideas, getting outside of their comfort zones and personal barriers.   Additionally, the impacts of social distancing have serious mental health implications that have created a world of more understanding, empathy and overall less pressure to perform.  It’s understood that it is okay to “let go” and relax in this difficult time.

“Letting Go” Is Good For You

While this act of loosening up comes with its connotations, its actually quite good for individuals or businesses to undergo this personal transformation. Letting go does not mean under-performing or giving up, it simply is turning focus away from aspects of life or business that mean little in the grand scheme to rather pay attention to what matters.  What someone places in these categories will certainly vary person to person.  But one thing is certain, that letting go of certain aspects of life and relaxing, is good for personal life and business.

How is Relaxing Good For Your Personal Life?

This act of relaxing and simplifying your lifestyle, has substantial positive impacts on your personal life.  But what exactly can it help?

Mental Health

Easing up on the amount of things on your to-do list or pushing yourself a tad less hard to hit goals, unrefutably boosts mental health.  Without cluttering your mind with the pressure that only you are putting on yourself, you allow yourself to ease up and feel good about what you are doing.  It’s in these moments that you can allow yourself to see how far you’ve already come and that’s what matters.  Likewise, fewer items on a to-do list, allows you to do what you enjoy doing and spend more time doing it without any rushing.  With a less busy day, comes reduced stress.  So, if you find yourself wanting to give yourself a break – go with that instinct, it’s ok! Your mind needs time to recover!

More Time

Spending less time cranking away at work also opens up more time in your day to do the things you really want to do.  Whether this is spending time with family or friends, getting outside, traveling or other personal goals – by relaxing mindsets towards different aspects of life the door opens to do what you really want to do.


By reducing the number of items you are juggling, you simplify your life and allow yourself to really focus.  You aren’t forced to spend small amounts of time doing tasks that don’t matter to you, rather you can really tune into what makes you click.  With the excitement to do the work, mixed with the time to focus on it, concentration is the product.  Higher focus and concentration can keep your mind at ease, as well as boost personal strides in whatever category you are choosing to take leaps in.  This will place you miles ahead of where you were when you were spending less time on it.

So no matter what you are choosing to loosen up with or how you are going to spend your new time, letting go is okay.  In fact, it’s actually good for your personal happiness, because it leads to better mental health, more time in your day, and increased focus.

How Is “Letting Go” Good For Your Business?

Bringing this laid-back attitude and prioritization to life can boost your business results, as well.

Simpler Goals Leads to Specialization

Narrowing down the amount of stuff on your to-do list or that you are trying to do with your business doesn’t mean you are achieving less, but rather you are turning your focus to fewer goals. Or in other words, becoming more specific.  Having fewer goals or narrower goals makes your business stronger because you are specializing.  You aren’t juggling a million tasks or putting on too many different hats, but rather you are pointing out what you are good at and care about.  By letting go of the countless items you are attempting and instead of becoming simpler you really get to be a pro at that task or specialty.  It’s when you reach this moment that you can start leading the pack in that sector and standing out. Don’t worry about trying to do everything, being really good at one thing is enough to make your business boom and ease your workload at the same time.

Audience Attraction

Once you specialize or narrow your focus, an audience or customers and clients will come.  It will spark interest because your business will now specifically answer distinct questions or needs.  So say someone really wants a trainer for a marathon – would they rather follow a general athletic trainer and hire them or turn to a running coach that specializes in helping people run their first marathon.  By answering a specific need, your door opens to customers who are looking for that.  Thus, your business model becomes easier to consume by outsiders and they can tell exactly what you are selling.  Not everyone can do it all and that’s ok, no one should.  Likewise, certain methods of training or products can be narrowed to really tap into what clicks with people and is working, lowering opportunity cost.

Audiences can also tell if you are trying to do hard.  People will see through someone who is trying to be who they aren’t.  Whether putting fake professionalism or trying to sell something they aren’t perfect at – consumers are smart and can see through it all. By letting go and easing up on the way you interact with clients or on what you are trying to accomplish with your business, it can actually come across as being laid back and welcoming.  This will pull people naturally to you from charisma.

More Energy

Of course, also letting go of all the pressures, tasks, or whatever is holding you back and simplifying your business model will boost your energy.  Doing less “stuff,” means you have more time to rest and really bring energy to the work you love!

Simple = Better

Having a simplified life and business can bring you more joy.  There’s no need to try to be superman! In fact, doing so could actually be what’s holding you back from the life or business you dream of having.

All you have to do is ensure that you have the skills and training needed to move forward with this simpler life, while staying on top of your game. Think you are ready to take this step?

It’s a tough world making a name for yourself in the online space. With some planning and intent, along with you being your unique, wonderful self, success is inevitable.

Check out this list of fitness careers that let you follow your dreams which includes what it takes to start a career in personal fitness training. This is your most affordable and fastest way to become a highly qualified personal trainer.

Is your re-certification coming up? Learn more about earning your CEU credits. You can find the full list of CEU courses here.

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Remember, NESTA and Spencer Institute coaching programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites!

That’s it for now. Take action!

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PS: Click here to see many helpful business/career resources

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NOTE: When you take your fitness business home, you can also work with clients outdoors as you operate your business from your kitchen table and even coach clients online from home.