Be a YOU-nique Trainer/Coach

Be a Unique Trainer:Coach

In this day and age of online influence and social media overload, you can get caught up in the hype put out by coaching/training “gurus” and “leaders.”  As a result, you way feel a need to be like them and mimic their words, phrases and image.

You need to be aware of a few important facts.

First, a lot of that Instagram hype is just that….. HYPE. 

We know for a fact that many “gurus” rent jets by the hour with a personal film crew, do “wardrobe” changes, and leverage that short space of time to make it look like they fly private each week.

One guy took photos in front of a small commercial jet (which could look like a large private plane) to give the illusion of success.  The flight he took to Vegas was $79.

Other people borrow friend’s cars, stand in front of large homes on the market when there just happens to be an “open house” that day, so they can also take pictures inside “their mansion”.

Other people buy clothes for a photos shoot (tuck in the tags) and then return the clothes the next day saying “it didn’t fit right.”  

YES!  All of this is true….. and it goes on and on and on!

So, stop trying to be like someone else.  Heck, it may not even be them after all.

Be YOU-nique.  You are special.  You have unique attributes that pull people in and make you special. 

You do need style.  But, you don’t need someone else’s style.
Yes, success leaves clues.  This is true.  The challenge is determining what is real or not in a world of 23 filters for your social images.

What do people like most about you? 
Do more of that…. within reason.

How do successful people speak (in general)?  You can use more of those general traits.  Then, make it YOU-nique. 

There are strategies that many successful people share.  But, being a clone of some other “successful” trainer or coach is not one of them.

If you live your life trying to be like someone else, you may come to the end wonder who you might have been if you were just you.

Strive to be a world-class trainer or coach (or both), but only if it’s YOU and not someone else in disguise. 

Thanks for reading.

The NESTA/Spencer Institute Team