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Ace Your Training Exam! – How to Improve Your Memory When Studying

Ace Your Training Exam! - How to Improve Your Memory When Studying

Hello Team NESTA!

You will see, when you earn your certification, you will have your first-class ticket for starting the career of your dreams!

We want to help keep you motivated, and have included 7 Study Tips below to help you improve your memory and test prep so that you can crush your upcoming exam!

Take a Walk Before Your Exam

It’s been proven that exercise can boost your memory and brain power. Research has shown that just 20 minutes of physical activity before an exam can improve your performance.

Reward Yourself and Overcome Procrastination With An Activity You Enjoy

There are many ways to integrate a reward system into your habits so you learn how to study for exams more efficiently. A fast and easy way to do this by making a top 10 list of activities that you really love to do: like going on social media, listening to music, playing video games and online shopping, even enjoying a healthy, delicious snack. Define a study goal (for example, read and take notes of Chapter 2) and when you finish that study goal, reward yourself with ten minutes of your enjoyable activity.

Bonus Tip: Check out my personal blog for more tips on overcoming procrastination.

Join the NESTA and Spencer Institute Support Group

For ongoing support, customer service, and to get your questions answered, join our support community on Facebook.

Teach Someone What You Have Learned

The best way to test if you really understand something is to try to teach it to someone else. Ask one of your friends or someone in your family to spend time each evening as your student, and walk them through the new concepts you learned that day.

Use Apps to Block Distracting Sites on Your Computer and Phone!

The SelfControl app can help you avoid distractions by blocking specific websites for a certain amount of time. Download it to your computer and your phone for maximum efficiency!

Create Flashcards for Quick and Easy Memorization

Flashcards are great because you can take them anywhere and study on the fly. You can quickly test your knowledge of key concepts, definitions, quotes, and formulas even while waiting in line at the DMV.

Take Regular Study Breaks

When your brain is working, you need to take regular study breaks to help your brain absorb more information but also to keep you motivated and focused when you are working. Make sure that you are taking short breaks (after about 45-50 minutes of studying) to refresh and recharge your brain. When you go any longer without a break, you are actually less likely to retain the information.


Meditation is a great way to stay focused when studying. Not only will meditation help you concentrate when studying, but it can also help reduce that pre-exam stress.

Our final piece of advice as you prep for your exams is to stay positive and remember that when you earn your certification, you will have the confidence and knowledge to start a successful training or coaching career and make a great living.

P.S. – Did you love these study tips? Want to learn more about the science behind memory and Brain Health? You can enroll in our Certified Brain Fitness Course through The Spencer Institute.