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Benefits of Training Strong Glutes

Benefits of Training Strong Glutes

What Causes Weak Glute Muscles?

There is a lot much more to a tight behind than the way your jeans fit! Your behind is made up of 3 major muscles including the glute maximum, glute medius, and the glute minimus. They are the largest muscle group in the body and play a vital role in how we walk, run, stand and sit. Your glutes are incredibly important, but they’re often weak and underworked.

What Causes Weak Glute Muscles?

Many of our clients suffer from under-active or weak glute muscles. In our sedentary society, our clients are spending less time moving around and more time sitting. As a result, they aren’t properly using their butt muscles. Many of our clients have jobs that require them to spend so much time sitting that their glutes stop working as efficiently, effectively, and strongly as they should. Once your clients’ glutes stop firing, their hip flexors get tight and can lead to injury.

Benefits of a Strong Butt

When you build a stronger booty, here are a few of the benefits you can expect.

Prevent Back Pain

Your behind works to stabilize the pelvis and keep the integrity of movement in the hip joint. When they’re strong, your lower back doesn’t bear the brunt of your motion. By working out their glutes, your clients’ will provide the base of their spine with a good cushion, which will help stabilize their hips and prevent pain in the neck, lower back, and surrounding muscles.

Increase Athletic Performance

Your client’s glutes play an essential role in helping them balance, change direction, run, stop, and jump. If your client wants to be a stronger athlete, it’s time to have them start squatting. Squats are one of the best exercises to target the gluteus maximus. Stronger glutes can improve your client’s speed, agility, and jumping skills. Focusing on your client’s glutes is a great way to take their skill to the next level in almost any sport.

Prevent Knee Pain

Our knees absorb about one-and-a-half times your body weight with each step. That pressure, plus regular wear and tear, takes its toll. Strong glutes will keep our pelvis stable and from swaying side to side. If your client’s pelvis isn’t stable, it puts a lot of pressure on their knees and ankles to compensate. When your client’s backside is strong, it helps prevents this naturally, keeping them safe from a knee injury.

How to Test Your Glute Strength

The Trendelenberg test is a simple way for you to evaluate how healthy your client’s behind. To do this, have your client stand up straight, and lift up one of their legs as though they were going to hop. The more difficult it is for them to keep their hips level, the more they need to work on their glutes.

Starting  Your Health and Fitness Career

There is always something exciting about earning a new training or coaching certification and applying that new knowledge of how you train your clients. This also helps you hit the reset button.

NESTA and Spencer Institute coaching programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

Take action!

NESTA | Spencer Institute

PS: Click here to see many helpful business and fitness career resources

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benefits of working your glutes