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How to Fire a Fitness Client in 6 Easy Steps

Fire Your Bad Clients



If you’re like most coaches and trainers, you’ve had a client who tries your patience, sets unreasonable expectations, drains your energy, or can’t be satisfied no matter what you do.

When first starting out as a wellness coach or fitness trainer, you may be inclined to work with anyone willing to give you money.

It doesn’t take long to realize that not all clients are created equal, and that the bad ones have a way of negatively impacting every area of your business.

Whether you’re mad as hell, perpetually annoyed, or exasperated beyond belief, deciding to fire a client can be both empowering and nerve wracking.

How should you do it?

What should you say?

What if the client becomes irate or bad mouths you to others?

Don’t worry – it’s possible to end a bad client relationship in a way that leaves both parties feeling great about the decision. Here’s how:

  1. Commit to your decision

If you’re going to fire a client, be damn sure you’re ready to do it and commit to your decision no matter what.

If you begin the conversation in a wishy-washy manner, your client may talk you out of firing them altogether. You’ll then be stuck in the relationship having revealed your discontent, which will be super awkward for both of you.

Don’t have “the talk” until you’re 100% sure you want the relationship to end.

  1. Choose your firing medium

Decide when, where, and how you’re going to communicate the firing to your client. These decisions should be based on the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and your interpersonal communication style.

If you primarily communicate via phone, a phone call firing is in order. If, however, you mostly email or communicate online, a digital firing may be acceptable. Along with your client’s expectations, consider what’s most comfortable for you.

  1. Use a big excuse

When you fire your client, you don’t necessarily have to be honest about why you’re doing it. Depending on the situation and your client’s personality, it may be more peaceful to concoct a reason to end the relationship that has nothing to do with them.

You can cite personal reasons, lack of time, business restructuring, travel, or any type of reason that necessitates the end of the relationship.

Make sure that…

  1. The reason can’t be argued away, i.e. “If you no longer want to see clients at night, that’s fine, I can switch to days.”
  2. Your “white lie” can be easily maintained without bending over backwards to hide from your client (don’t say you’re retiring from coaching altogether and run the risk of the client finding out you’re still very much in business).
  3. Blame yourself

In any relationship it’s important to use lots of “I” statements as opposed to blaming others.

Even if the toxicity of your relationship is absolutely your client’s fault, there’s no point in blaming them – it will only make them defensive.

Share reasons why you can no longer give the coaching relationship your all.

You might say….

  • “I don’t feel that I’m able to give you the attention you deserve.”
  • “My expertise is no longer enough for the level you’ve attained.”
  • “I’m not the best fit for your needs anymore, but I know another coach who’ll really help you thrive.”
  1. Frame the separation in a positive light

Present the end of your relationship as the best possible thing that could happen to your client.

Refer to the relationship’s end as a natural next step in the client’s developmental process, and congratulate them on reaching this level. If you play your cards right, it will feel like they’ve accomplished something great instead of just been fired.

  1. Provide referrals to other coaches

Don’t leave your client hanging. Be ready with the contact info of at least 3 other coaches who could help your client (just be sure to warn your fellow coaches about how – er- challenging this particular client can be).

When you fire a client, you do yourself and your business a great service. By refusing to work with clients who don’t treat you well, you’ll remain positive, energized, and motivated to give your all to the rest of your clients, which in turn will increase referrals and grow your business that much faster.

Get more insider tips on dealing with challenging clients, increasing profits, and building your health, fitness and wellness business from the ground up. Access your FREE Entrepreneur Jump Start Kit by clicking here now: https://johnspencerellis.com.