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The Future of the Fitness Industry Including Employment Opportunities

What are the career and job opportunities for personal trainers in the future?The fitness industry has been growing at an unprecedented rate in recent years.  Of course, it got set back a little in 2020.  However, that is in the rear window.  Things are looking bright. With the rising concern for healthy living and longevity, the industry has seen a surge in demand for fitness services, products, and equipment. According to a report by IBISWorld, the fitness industry’s revenue is expected to increase well beyond $41 billion in 2024, with an annual growth rate of 2.5%. This growth is projected to continue in the future as people become more health-conscious and seek to improve their physical well-being. Course, there is always the desired aesthetic benefits which plays a role in people’s reasoning for joining health clubs.

The future of the fitness industry looks bright, with emerging technologies and innovations transforming the way people approach and enjoy their health and fitness goals. These new technologies have opened various profitable niches, including boutique studios, online training, and wearable technology. Let’s discuss.

The Growth of Boutique Studios

Boutique studios are small fitness facilities that specialize in one or two types of workouts. These studios offer a more personalized approach to fitness, with classes that focus on a specific type of exercise, such as cycling, yoga, or Pilates. The classes are usually smaller, and the instructors can provide more individualized attention to each client.

One of the significant advantages of boutique studios is their ability to create a community of like-minded individuals. Clients can bond over shared interests, and the sense of community often motivates them to continue attending classes. This community feel is particularly attractive to people who are looking for more than just a workout but also a sense of belonging.

Online Training is Growing Quickly

Online training has been growing in popularity over the past few years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated its growth. With the closure of gyms and fitness studios, people turned to online training as a way to maintain their fitness routines from home. Online training is convenient, cost-effective, and provides access to world-class trainers from anywhere in the world. Here’s a complete online training and coaching business system and certification.

Online training has opened up new markets for fitness professionals, as they can now reach clients from all over the world. It has also made fitness more accessible to people who may not have access to a gym or live in remote areas. Online training programs include everything from customized workout plans to one-on-one virtual coaching sessions.

Examples of successful online training programs include Peloton, which offers an all-in-one fitness experience with on-demand classes, personalized coaching, and virtual communities. Another popular online platform is Fitbit, which offers personalized workout plans and tracks progress through wearable technology. Yet, you can make your own online training business and keep all the profits. This system shows you how.

Wearable Fitness Technology is Great for Trainers

Wearable technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, with fitness enthusiasts using devices such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and heart rate monitors to track their progress and achieve their fitness goals. Wearable technology allows people to monitor their physical activity, sleep patterns, and nutrition, providing them with insights into their overall health and well-being.

Wearable technology has opened up new opportunities for the fitness industry, including the development of new products and services. Fitness clubs can now offer their clients personalized training programs based on their wearable data, providing them with tailored workout plans that are designed to achieve their goals. Wearable technology can also be integrated with online training programs, enabling trainers to monitor their clients’ progress and provide them with real-time feedback.

Examples of successful wearable technology include Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Garmin, which offer a range of fitness tracking features, including heart rate monitoring, GPS tracking, and activity tracking.  You learn about various wearable technology in the NESTA heart rate performance specialist certification course.

Training Clients from Home is a Big Money Maker

Although this is one of the oldest forms of fitness instruction, it’s incredibly effective, offers many tax benefits and is very convenient to the fitness professional. With the advent of functional training equipment and various technologies, less space is needed to provide a fun and effective work out for a wide range of clients.  You can essentially teach any type of health or fitness from your home by converting your garage, spare bedroom, attic or basement. And depending on weather conditions, you can also create a special area in your backyard if that is available. Take a moment and get our free gift to you. The Home Gym Profit Center gives you a step-by-step blueprint to turn your home in two a profitable way to train clients in person while saving huge amounts on taxes and commute time. You will learn everything you need to know with this free gift.

Outdoor Exercise is Still Growing

We all started with outdoor exercise. They called it recess in school.  Outdoor exercise goes far beyond running, walking, hiking, cycling, triathlon, swimming, etc.  You can hang a TRX from a tree. You can lay down a yoga mat and a grassy park. You can do sprints in the deep sand at the beach. You can go for a walk with a client while you do wellness coaching. You can go for a therapeutic hike with someone and help them reconnect with nature to heal from various physical or emotional trauma. You can do group classes outdoors. You can train families. You can work with couples. You can bring a kettle bell, medicine ball and a jump rope and teach hundreds of exercises.  Take a moment and read this very in-depth guide which gives you step-by-step strategies for building a successful business training and coaching your clients outdoors.

Growth of Larger Health Clubs and Fitness Centers

While boutique studios, online training, and wearable technology are all emerging niches in the fitness industry, large fitness centers and health clubs are still expected to see growth in the future. According to a report by IBISWorld, the gym, health, and fitness clubs industry is projected to grow at an annualized rate of 1.7% to $37.5 billion in revenue by 2026.

One reason for the continued growth of large fitness centers and health clubs is their ability to offer a variety of services and amenities that smaller boutique studios may not be able to provide. Large fitness centers and health clubs typically have a wide range of selectorized exercise equipment including weight machines, free weights, and cardio machines, as well as group fitness classes, personal training, wellness coaching, and nutrition counseling.

In recent years, large fitness centers and health clubs have also been focusing on creating a more personalized experience for their clients. Many facilities now offer tailored workout plans based on clients’ fitness goals, body composition, and health history. Some even use wearable technology to track clients’ progress and provide them with real-time feedback.

Another factor driving the growth of large fitness centers and health clubs is the increasing popularity of corporate wellness programs. Many companies are now offering fitness and wellness programs to their employees as a way to improve their health and reduce healthcare costs. These programs often involve partnerships with large fitness centers and health clubs to provide employees with discounted memberships, group fitness classes, and other wellness services.

Examples of large fitness centers and health clubs with growth potential include:

  1. Life Time Fitness – Life Time Fitness is a chain of high-end health clubs that offer a wide range of amenities, including fitness equipment, group fitness classes, spa services, and even on-site childcare. The company has over 150 locations across the United States and Canada and is expected to continue growing in the future.
    Life Time Fitness is always seeking NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainers.
  2. Equinox – Equinox is a luxury fitness and wellness company with locations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The company offers a range of services, including personal training, group fitness classes, and spa services, and is known for its high-end facilities and amenities. Equinox hires NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainers.
  3. 24 Hour Fitness – 24 Hour Fitness is a chain of fitness centers with over 400 locations in the United States. The company offers a range of services, including fitness equipment, group fitness classes, personal training, and virtual coaching, and is expected to continue growing in the future. We’ve had a very long-standing relationshipwith 24 Hour Fitness, and they are always hiring NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainers.
  4. Crunch Fitness – Crunch Fitness is a chain of fitness centers with over 300 locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The company offers a range of services, including fitness equipment, group fitness classes, and personal training, and is known for its fun and welcoming atmosphere. Crunch Fitness has been hiring our Certified Personal Fitness Professionals for years.

More Employment Opportunities for Fitness Instructors, Personal Trainers and Health Professionals

There are several emerging and growing job and career opportunities for personal trainers and fitness professionals in the future, including:

  1. Virtual Training: The pandemic has accelerated the trend of virtual training, and this is likely to continue in the future. Personal trainers and fitness professionals who have experience with virtual training and online coaching will have a competitive advantage.
  2. Corporate Wellness: Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of employee wellness, and many are hiring personal trainers and fitness professionals to lead wellness initiatives and programs. You can become a Certified Corporate Wellness Coach through the Spencer Institute.
  3. Aging Population: As the population ages, there will be a growing demand for personal trainers and fitness professionals who have expertise in working with older adults. This includes specialized knowledge in areas such as fall prevention, chronic disease management, and mobility training.
  4. Health Coaching: Many people are looking for a holistic approach to their health, and health coaching is becoming a popular career choice for personal trainers and fitness professionals. Health coaches work with clients to develop personalized health and wellness plans that encompass nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes.
  5. Specialized Training: Personal trainers and fitness professionals who have specialized training in areas such as sports performance, prenatal and postnatal fitness, and corrective exercise will be in high demand.
  6. Boutique Gyms and Studios: There has been a trend towards smaller, specialized gyms and studios that offer niche fitness programs. Personal trainers and fitness professionals who have expertise in these areas will be well-positioned to work in these types of environments.

The fitness industry is expected to continue to grow in the near and foreseeable future, and there will be many job and career opportunities for personal trainers and fitness professionals who are willing to adapt to changing trends and have specialized skills and knowledge.