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Why All Coaches and Trainers Benefit From This Certification

Why All Coaches and Trainers Benefit From This Certification Fitness Nutrition

Hello Team NESTA and Team Spencer Institute!

You likely already have an idea of which certification you will be earning next. We definitely don’t want t stop you from enrolling in other courses (the more knowledge the better!), but we do want to share with you a certification that we know will make a hugely positive impact on your business.

As Summer approaches, and our clients start to become more and more focused on getting their beach bodies, there is one certification that all trainers, coaches, and instructors really need to be able to best serve their clients during this time of year (and quite frankly all year long!)

Which one is it?

The NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification


If you are a health and wellness coach, you know that optimal, fitness-oriented,  nutrition is critical to enhancing your health and overall wellness, right?  But, do you have the knowledge and specific credential to best help your clients?

If you are a sports performance coach, you know your athletes cannot be the best until they do everything possible to improve nutrition (which ultimately makes them a better athlete).  You can also look into the NESTA Sports Nutrition Specialist Course to enhance your skills even more.

If you are a Life Strategies CoachBrain Fitness Coach or Results Coach, it’s likely obvious that people who lack quality nutritional habits have a challenge with focus, energy, and productivity. You can now offer a solution.

If you are a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, you know that nutrition is (at least) 60% of the reason clients succeed or fail to get the results they desire.

So, as you can now see, becoming knowledgeable and credentialed in nutrition is vital to your skill set and business offerings.

Take a moment to learn about the NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification.

And the best thing is…you can get started immediately! Remeber almost all of our courses, including the Fitness Nutrition course, can be completed entirely online and on your time!