Level Up & Earn More: FREE Lifestyle & Weight Management Course Included with Purchase!

This the best niche for MILLIONS of clients

Because this is where most people struggle…


You became a coach or a trainer so you can help people.  You want to make a difference.  You care.  And, you also need to pay your bills, and provide for your family. 

Sometimes you get excited about different business ideas.  You want to go for it, even though you aren’t sure it will work. I’m the same way.  I totally get it.  That’s part of our nature.  We want to discover what is possible.

find a niche for coaching business
Yet, you and I both know there is a certain comfort in doing something that is nearly certain to succeed. 

Do you know what has been, and will always be, the easiest way to GET NEW CLIENTS, and KEEP CLIENTS and GET MORE CLIENTS ……. FOREVER? 

It’s any type of training/coaching related to dieting, food, weight management, obesity and behavior change related to these topics. 

Americans (and people in most countries) are more obese than ever before.  It’s a fact.  The sad truth is that you will never run out of prospects. 

By contrast, there are only so many who will want to learn martial arts, do Zumba, or run a marathon.

You literally have hundreds of millions of people globally who need your help with weight management and behavior change.

So, what do you do?

First, you need to have the proper skills and credentials.

Here are the programs I recommend:

1. Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist
2. Lifestyle Fitness Coach
3. Fitness Nutrition Coach
4. Results Coach

Of course, we have more programs that fit well into this niche, but the above programs will give you a head start on your competition.

REMEMBER: You also need to appeal to these prospects in a way that resonates with them, and their current challenges.  Make sure you use language which is empathetic and gives them clear direction on how to take action to release their pain.  Choose images and colors on your blog and social media accounts which are appealing to this demographic.  Yellows and oranges create excitement. Avoid a black background. It reduces comprehension of the message.  Tell them about the benefits of enrolling in your programs. Over deliver.


CEO | NESTA | Spencer Institute

PS: If you’ve been looking for away to become an influencer in the fitness/coaching space, you are in for a great surprise.  Click here to see what we’re planning for you in Las Vegas.