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10 Reasons Why Organic Food Is Better For You And Your Clients

What is Organic Food? Organic food is food grown, prepared and processed without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or chemical preservatives. In the US, organic foods vary by degree as set forth by the USDA. Food can be 100% Organic, Organic (at least 95% organic) or Made From Organic Ingredients (at least 70% organic).

Why is organic better for you? Organic foods are thought to have higher nutritional values than conventional foods. Foods grown without pesticides and fertilizers produce more phytochemicals (vitamins and antioxidants) that strengthen their resistance to bugs and weeds. People with food allergies or who are sensitive to chemicals or preservatives often find their symptoms reduced or eliminated when they eat only organic foods.

Health benefits of organic food include:

1. Organic Foods are Free of Toxins

Neurotoxins can damage your brain and nerve cells. Many commercial food suppliers use pesticides known as organophosphates to kill pests that attack fruits and vegetables. Organophosphates kill insects, but are extremely harmful to humans as well and was used as a toxic nerve agent during World War I.

2. Organic Taste Better

Not only are they better-tasting, but also more nutritious. Organic foods have more minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients than commercially produced food that has been treated with chemicals. Organic food is often produced locally, resulting in the availability of fresh produce in the market and naturally tastes better than produce that has been frozen, shipped, and transported across long distances.

3. Organic Foods Protect the Environment

Commercial agricultural manufacturing plants have much higher energy consumption than local farmers who only use natural methods to produce their food. By buying organic food, you’ll not only be supporting small farmers but also saving energy and protecting the environment. Organic farmers do not use harmful chemicals, resulting in minimal soil, air, and water pollution, ensuring a safer and healthier world for future generations.

4. Organic Foods are Rich in Antioxidants

Organic fruits and vegetables and the antioxidants they contain help prevent premature aging, vision problems, and cognitive dysfunction. Choosing organic foods can lead to an increased supply of nutritionally desirable antioxidants and reduced exposure to toxic heavy metals.

5. Shopping Organic Supports Local Farmers

Local farmers who are dedicated to providing people with high-quality, chemical-free products. Buying organic food helps support small farmers who refuse to trade in quality for quantity.

6. Organic Reduces your Exposure to GMOs

Commercials farms and dairy farmers feed their livestock the cheapest grain available – corn. Most often this is genetically modified corn. GMOs are prohibited in true organic products.

7. Organic Foods Reduce your Exposure to Hormones and Antibiotics

Commercial farms and especially dairy farmers treat livestock with both antibiotics and hormones to increase milk and meat production. Organic food farmers do not use hormones or antibiotics.

8. Going Organic Can Improve Your Heart Health

Grass-fed livestock produce increased amounts of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA is a heart-healthy fatty acid that can boost cardiovascular protection, and it is found in higher quantities in breast milk and in the meat of animals that have been raised free-range or cage-free.

9. Lower Your Risk of Cancer

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 90% of fungicides, 60% of herbicides, and 30% of insecticides used in commercial farming may contribute to the development of cancer in humans. Avoiding these carcinogenic chemicals can improve your health.

10. Eating Organic Can Improve Your Overall Health

Few things have a greater impact on your health than the foods you put in your body. Eating organic and eliminating chemicals and toxins from your diet will positively improve the state of their overall health and lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

What’s Next?

If you want to help clients with food, diet, weight management and improving the results of their fitness routines, the Fitness Nutrition Coach course is for you. You will learn about optimal nutrition, including proven techniques for increasing energy, optimal health and decreased dependence on medications. Instantly increase your job and career opportunities with this popular professional credential.

You will also want to consider learning more about organic, natural and holistic nutrition coaching with this certification course.  See the Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach Program.

NESTA coaching programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

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