Answering Common Questions About Yoga

benefits of daily yoga and meditationFitness training is a highly competitive profession. Whether you are new or a professional trainer, clients are always looking for the most effective and innovative programs from you.

This keeps you on your toes to provide the most creative and beneficial training programs.

Sport Yoga, because of its innumerable benefits, is becoming an integral part of training programs.

As a Certified Sport Yoga Instructor, you will be available to answer these questions as clearly as possible. A new Sport yoga student will look to you for encouragement and support. Here are some of the questions you may hear.

What Is Yoga?

Yoga was developed up to 5,000 years ago in India as a comprehensive system for wellbeing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Today, many millions of people use various aspects of Yoga to help raise their quality of life in such diverse areas as fitness, stress relief, wellness, vitality, mental clarity, healing, peace of mind and spiritual growth.

How Is Yoga Different From Stretching or Other Kinds of Fitness?

Unlike stretching or fitness, yoga is more than just physical postures. Even within the physical practice, yoga is unique because we connect the movement of the body and the fluctuations of the mind to the rhythm of our breath. Connecting the mind, body, and breath helps us to direct our attention inward.

Through this process of inward attention, we learn to recognize our habitual thought patterns. We become more aware of our experiences from moment to moment. The awareness that we cultivate is what makes yoga a practice. Your body and mind will become much more flexible by doing yoga.

Can I Do Yoga if I am Not Flexible?

Yes! You are a perfect candidate for yoga. Many people think that they need to be flexible to begin yoga, but that’s a little bit like thinking that you need to be able to play tennis in order to take tennis lessons. Come as you are and you will find that yoga practice will help you become more flexible.

This newfound agility will be balanced by strength, coordination, and enhanced cardiovascular health, as well as a sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.

What Do I Need to Begin?

All you really need to begin practicing yoga is your body, your mind, and a bit of curiosity. But it is also helpful to have a pair of yoga leggings, or shorts, and a t-shirt that’s not too baggy.

No special footgear is required because you will be barefoot. It’s nice to bring a towel to class with you. As your practice develops you might want to buy your own yoga mat, but most gyms and studios will have mats and other props available for you.

How Many Times Per Week Should I Practice?

Even if you only practice for one hour a week, you will experience the benefits of yoga practice. If you can do more than that, you will certainly experience more benefits.

If you can only do 20 minutes per session, that’s fine too. Don’t let time constraints or unrealistic goals be an obstacle. After a while, your desire to practice expands naturally and you will find yourself doing more and more. 

What’s Next

Learn how to become a Sport Yoga Instructor. This program is a comprehensive online yoga teacher training program for fitness professionals who want to integrate yoga movements into their one-on-one training-group fitness or group exercise programs.

Learn how you can quickly and easily add yoga to your fitness business and expand your career now.

Check out what it takes to start a career in personal fitness training. This is your most affordable and fastest way to become a highly qualified personal trainer.

NESTA coaching programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

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benefits of yoga