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Best Methods for Personal Trainers and Coaches to Build an Audience on Instagram

How do I get the most from Instagram?What if I told you a strategy that you could use for your personal training, nutrition, or coaching business to get more followers, and that too for absolutely free?

If yes, then don’t waste any more time looking for the best tips, this post is for you.

So first things first, do you have a business account on Instagram? If not, you need to create one.

 If you are not on Instagram or using it the right way to promote your business, you could potentially be leaving a lot of money on the table. 

And we don’t want that, right?

We all know advertising can be expensive for any startup, and getting clients consistently is the toughest part. This is why we are sharing the best methods in this post.

Choose A Theme and Stick To It

Are you really good at something that you may define as ‘your thing.’? If yes, you can take full advantage of that skill using Instagram.

Basically, choose a niche you are good at and stick to it.

Consistently share knowledge related to the particular niche, appear an authority, so that you are recognized as a guru in that particular niche.

For example; as a Certified Life Coach, you can share success stories of your clients, as a Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist or Certified Personal Trainer you can share before and after photos of clients who participated in your training services, or if you are a cooking expert you can create colorful images, offering your recipes, or direct people to your landing page where they can download a full recipe booklet.

Work on narrowing down this category to a particular area of expertise and come up with your own unique theme that makes you as a brand stand apart from others.

This is a GREAT way to get people interested in your niche or what you do.

Just be creative and aspire to be unique!

Make sure to highlight the area you are good at, and make it your main THEME.

Post consistently and clearly on Instagram using your main theme 

Post Visually Appealing Images

One thing that surely works on Instagram is visually appealing images.

If you look through around at some of the popular Instagram pages, you will notice they all have one thing in common and that’s see that they all stick to the images related to their main theme and also CONSISTENTLY post visually appealing images.

Use Hashtags the Right way to Boost Followers

Don’t underestimate the power of hashtags. Instagram is all about the #hashtags, baby!

Make sure to create unique and individual hashtags that represent what you do.

Also, make sure that these hashtags make sense, or you can also create hashtags for your business.

For example, if you sell weight loss products, you can use a hashtag such as #newmomweightloss, #weightlosstipsformoms, or if you are run a coaching business you can use something like #businesscoach #businesscoachtohire #businesscoachforsuccess. So if someone looks up for business coach for success, they will easily be able to track you down due to the relevant hashtag you used in your post.

Connect With Like-minded People

Connecting with likeminded people who share your passion is crucial to your growth. Like, share and comment on what they post. Once you build rapport with them, they will return the favor and it can prove to be a growing opportunity for both of you.

Follow Influential People in Your Niche

Take advantage of the influential people in your niche by building rapport with them.

Make sure that you show you some love and support by leaving meaningful and positive comments on their posts which make them notice you.

Interact with them at any given opportunity; ask questions, show appreciation, or whatever it takes to build a connection.

When you leave meaningful comments and share some of your acquired knowledge, it will also benefit you in gaining some of their followers too.

Your Training/Coaching Career

Check out what it takes to start a career in personal fitness training. This is your most affordable and fastest way to become a highly qualified personal trainer.

There is always something exciting about earning a new training or coaching certification and applying that new knowledge of how you train your clients. This also helps you hit the reset button.

NESTA and Spencer Institute coaching programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

Take action!

NESTA | Spencer Institute

PS: Click here to see many helpful business/career resources

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How can a business use Instagram?